Where Can I Find My Textbooks?


Here's how you can search to see if the library has your assigned readings, with ways to request them if we don't have them, and ways to purchase textbooks from the bookstore: 

  1. Search the library homepage. The @LL Search bar on the homepage searches through all of our catalogs and databases at once.  Search by book title (not book chapter title) or journal article title (don't paste the full citation in).
  2. Faculty members can loan a print copy of a textbook to the library, to be kept at the desk and borrowed for 2 hours at a time by students. Search our Course Reserves to see if your course has books on reserve at either library already.
  3. Don't forget to check Blackboard to see if your readings were uploaded there, and you can also check the bookstore to see if you can buy/rent your textbook readings there.
  4. You can submit a resource request form for us to add materials to the collection, or use the Interlibrary Loan service to borrow from another library (or get sent a PDF of a book chapter or article to keep).  

It is unlikely that we'll be able to purchase or interlibrary-loan books from the major textbook publishers, but librarians can meet with faculty to talk about ways to use existing library materials in place of traditional textbooks.

  • Last Updated Aug 14, 2024
  • Views 155
  • Answered By Abby Mancini

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