How do I log in to use library resources?


Almost all library resources, including the search bar on our homepage, utilize Lesley's Single Sign-On. If you're signed into one application with your Lesley credentials, you don't have to log in again to access library resources. If you're prompted to log in, simply follow the instructions from IT here.

The library does have guest access enabled for non-Lesley users who want to search the library's collection. If you've gone to a guest access page, you'll see a yellow banner like the one below across the top of your screen.


Screenshot of "Click here for guest access" banner at top of screen

If you're a Lesley user and you want to log in, just click that link to authenticate through SSO!


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2021
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Constance Vrattos

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